We are delighted to confirm that following our latest formal inspection by CQC we have been classed as a “Good” service provider.

Specifically the CQC Inspector stated:


  • “People were offered choice and control and staff demonstrated an ethos of seeking consent and communicating about each aspect of people’s support.


  • The training plan for the service took account of specific needs which related to particular individuals.


  • People’s health was considered as an integral part of their care plan and advice and expertise was regularly sought by the service.


  • People were treated with respect.


  • People were given time to express themselves and were prompted in special memories or to express their feelings about an activity they had done in the past.


  • People’s autonomy and independence was prompted.


  • People’s privacy and dignity was respected.


  • Information about people was stored confidentially in the electronic system with appropriate arrangements for security and access.


  • People benefitted from a person centred service.


  • Staff showed understanding of what was important to each person both in the small everyday things and were also able to tell us about the relationship each person had with their family.


  • People’s care and support needs were well understood by the service which was reflected in detailed care plans and risk assessments and in the attitude and care of staff towards people.


  • People’s diversity was respected.


  • People’s needs were reviewed by the service and care plans had recently been updated.


  • The management team expressed a vision of an enabling and empowering service for people with learning disabilities.”

We are pleased with this result and would like to thank all of our staff teams for their hard work.