UKSLS Tough Mudder Event

On the 22nd August 2015, four members of staff from UKSLS will be taking part in tough mudder run… A gruelling obstacle course on top of a 12 mile run! “Tough Mudder is a team-oriented 10-12 mile (18-20 km) obstacle course designed to test physical...

The Care Certificate has launched!

As of 1 April 2015, all social care support workers will be expected to attain a Care Certificate within their first 12 weeks of employment. The Care Certificate sets out the basic skills, knowledge and behaviours that are required to give safe, effective and...


Want to work for a Supported Living company where 100% of staff are salaried?   Where you receive a free bespoke training package throughout your employment? Normally worth £2000!   Where 95% of staff have opted in to our Pension Scheme?   Recruiting...

In the news this week…

“Staff absences for mental health problems have doubled at hospital trusts across England in the past four years.” “These figures could suggest sickness absence relating to mental health problems is on the rise among hospital staff.”...

In the new this week…

Please see below links for reports by the BBC, issued this week. They highlight a failed pledge by Ministers that “in December 2012 that any inpatient with a learning disability or challenging behaviour, who would be better off cared for in the community, would...